Monday, May 15, 2006


Uma's ugly sister?

I'm not going to even respond to this one.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Oh, BOY!

It looks like the PATHETIC LOSERS are at it again. Where do they find these pictures? I should explain that most of the time in the wild schedule of a hard working independant film maker (ME) I get to the make up counter after it closes. But not THIS TIME. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh (sigh of satisfaction)....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I am NOT Dakota Fanning's older sister.

Seriously, I don't no where people come up with this crap. I am a MAN, not a girl. And, I can tell that whoever used this picture of me had to photoshop it a bit. Normally a crop job takes 30 seconds, but because I am so famous and not a poser it takes me 5 minutes.

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